A blog to equip Biblically on how to hear from God in dreams and how to grow in the skill of dream interpretation!

I received this dream from Migdalia on August 31, 2011.

I was out somewhere at night and there was a lot of people and the sky was looking all weird then all of a sudden the sky turned a bright light and I saw Gods face and in the dream I was scared because it seemed to be the end of the world and I was not saved. Then after a minute or so his face vanished and everyone seemed to still be there. So it didn’t seem to be the end because he didn’t take anyone with him. So i wondered can that be God trying to talk to me?


This dream is obviously a symbolic dream and not a literal one.  God is speaking to this dreamer about the urgency of the hour.  This is an eschatological dream in which God is speaking about the closeness of His coming.


“I was out somewhere at night and there was a lot of people…”  The fact that the dream took place at night reveals that there is a lack of light.  Darkness in a dream or nighttime will usually refer to a lack of understanding and knowledge.  This piece represents that there are many people in this moment operating in an ignorance as to the times in which we’re living in and how close we are to the coming of the Lord.


“The sky turned a brilliant light and I saw God’s face and I was scared because it seemed to be the end of the world and I was not saved.”  Suddenly, the sky lights up and this dreamer sees God’s face and is made aware of the end of the world and her lack of salvation.  God is revealing to this dreamer how He will move upon the lives of sinners in these end times.  Many of them, although completely unaware of God’s return, will suddenly find themselves face to face with Him and with the condition of their souls.


“Then, His face vanished and everyone seemed to still be there.  It didn’t seem to be the end because He didn’t take anybody with Him.”  The dreamer was a bit confused as to why no was was “raptured” after this God encounter.  She even reasoned that it wasn’t the end.  This piece represents that God is a merciful God and is willing that NO man should perish.  God in His love for humanity will continue to expand the time that He is dealing with them.  He continues to push back the time of appearance because in His heart, He is reaching out to those who are in ignorance and are yet to accept Him.


Conclusion — God is speaking to this dreamer about how even though we are not in the VERY end, we are nonetheless, in the end-times.  He is also revealing how He is pushing back time out of His mercy so that everyone may have the opportunity to be saved.  This dreamer received this dream for a reason, since God never does anything without a purpose.  Although I don’t know this dreamer’s life, God may be wanting this dreamer to know how sinners feel by causing her to be “unsaved” in the dream.  Maybe God wants you to display more compassion on the lost, or pray for the lost, or have hope for those in your circle of influence that are lost, or finally, to understand His heart for the Lost.  Seek the Lord on how He wants you to respond to this powerful revelation.  He is a merciful God!!!


Hector Santos

School of the Dreamers



Comments on: "The Dream of Seeing God’s Face" (5)

  1. Mohamad-Rayan Harb said:

    I saw God’s face in a dream, but it was good because I was in heaven with Christ too. Christ was holding a sword and wearing a metalic body armor like in the middle ages. His head was exposed, he was not wearing a helmet and his hair was long. The point is I am not a Christian so how come I dream of Jesus.
    I am secular from a Muslim background.

  2. I had the same dream in my dream the clouds formed the face of a man and it started talking
    .” The human race the time for your judgement has co e ” it was so terrifying it seemed at tho it was the end of the world. Have another similar dream since then

  3. LeAnn Smith said:

    I had a dream about Jesus, I saw him perfectly, but he had all black around him and people were going to him, I had a boy next to me and he went up to him and said not yet my child and also to me not yet my child. What does this mean, I am involved in church been saved since 2014.

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